'In these challenging times, kindness is needed more than ever.'  

Each year, 'World Kindness day' is celebrated on the 13th of November. Of course, kindness goes a long way whenever and wherever in life, really kindness day is everyday. But rather than the day being the one day we give, it's more about a day of reminding ourselves the power of kindness, humanity, giving and celebrating what even small acts of kindness can do for both the giver and receiver.

Kindness is free to give and priceless to receive. With today being 'World Kindness Day' and Covid19 having its impact on the world globally, kindness is particularly essential in caring for both ourselves and others, positivity, love and support. With the current circumstances affecting us all, any act of kindness, no matter how small, can assist both comfort and community amongst this whirlwind. With acts of kindness comes a feel good feeling for the individual receiving and for someone who gives, in which case helping others isn't worth questioning, when something so simple can be beneficial for both others and ourselves it's indisputable and we should all take the time to be aware of the kindness we're giving out.

Although the World is been shook and challenged, kindness prevails. We can all help to change someone else's life whilst enriching our own.

It doesn't have to be complicated, and definitely not a chore. They don't need to be extremely time consuming or expensive. Simple acts of kindness are very powerful and little things count, can make someone smile, initiate a pick me up or boost and spark a sense of joy. This is particularly relevant right now, whilst in our second lockdown in the UK, its the little things that will help lift our own and others spirits, hold on and continue to appreciate each new day despite the challenges it may bring. To help connect us despite the lack of communication and contact. It's when we continue to display gratitude towards ourselves and others in difficult times that we allow our well-being and happiness levels to continue throughout both highs and lows.

Although the current situation undeniably places us in uncertain, tough and uncontrollable circumstances, we can control our own behaviour and outlook, which holds hands with both kindness and choice. Finding ways to come together, to help others, to enjoy and celebrate lockdown birthdays, to stay connected from afar and to hold each others hands metaphorically.


Helping each other through the struggle and communicating in a variety of ways to ensure we lead with kindness and are taking time to check in with ourselves and others, strangers and those we are close to:
- Zoom Calls
- Facetime
- Phone Calls
- Shopping or collecting things for others
- Helping out at or giving to local Foodbanks
- Sending cards or gifts to doorsteps or houses
- Baking, cooking a home cooked meal, or making something for another
- Spending time with family indoors, cooking, dancing, board games... simple pleasures
- Smiling or giving to strangers
- Support local businesses or restaurants
- Volunteer, organisation or charity work
- Joining local community support groups by visiting, online or socials such as Facebook
- Donating


'Love in Lockdown'. Throughout this second lockdown I will designating blogs to specific individuals that are taking the time to help those less fortunate, support others or give a little kindness throughout this challenging time. Individuals that are taking part in something out of the goodness of their own heart and nothing else. Volunteer, charity or giving for free, no money involved, just support and love. I want to share these stories simply for positivity and also to encourage others to do the same. These stories are about individuals who are also having to fend for themselves in these difficult times, make money and survive, yet still find the time to give without expecting anything back. I aim to help create awareness and knowledge of how others can get involved to.

First one will be up next week.

Stay safe, look after yourselves, check in with others, be kind x


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