Over the past few decades, Pilates has grown in popularity. A form of exercise that focuses on improving posture, flexibility, strength and rehabilitation post injury. The core is the central focus of all movement. Some forms use mats and others use equipment, including reformer Pilates which provides added resistance. Since it originated, it aims to focus on 6 elements: Concentration, Centring, Control, Breathing, Precision and Flow. It's very similar to Yoga, but traditionally yoga is the practice of connecting the mind and body through breath, whereas Pilates is a system of exercises that emphasise core engagement to promote functional movement of the body.

With the rise in conversation and hype around certain fields of exercise across the media and social platforms, there's been an increase in exposure to things like HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and over lockdown, running. Despite the benefits of incorporating these styles of training into our routines, it doesn't mean we have to neglect other styles that can provide equal benefit. It's important to consider engaging in methods that support resistance work alongside the more cardiovascular training styles, to protect and strengthen our muscles, bones, flexibility, mobility, control, balance and overall fitness, and Pilates is one of these.

I spoke to Lauren Rutherford, a 22 year old soon to be qualified Pilates Instructor in West London about her journey into Pilates, how it began and its benefits.



"Pilates is a method created by Joseph Pilates in the 1920’s. It’s a form exercise which is low impact and consists of strength, flexibility and endurance movements. It works on postural alignment, core strength and balance," she shares.

"I enrolled on a Pilates instructor course during the second lockdown as there was not a lot of work and I wanted to try and use the time wisely to gain another qualification." 

"I’ve always been into fitness and taken dance lessons regularly as a child where we were always taught about good posture and core stability! I had my first Pilates class when I was at my sixth form collage, it was a performing arts college and we were lucky enough to have weekly Pilates classes. I loved how Pilates complimented dance and performing and helped to make sure you had correct technique and understood how to look after your body," she admits.

"I don’t think I would have decided to study Pilates if it wasn’t for the pandemic. I was taking Pilates classes online throughout the first lockdown and then when the second lockdown came around I just thought it would be a good idea to have another qualification along side my acting degree to have ‘another string to my bow!’. It was also something that complimented what I want to do which is performing and I really enjoyed it, and want others to enjoy it too!" she smiles.

"Pilates has so many benefits! From improved flexibility, improved posture, increased muscle strength, improved coordination and concentration, body awareness, stress management and the best thing is that Pilates is suitable for absolutely anyone!" she stresses.

"So when I started my Pilates training, I also started implementing what I was learning by teaching my mum during lockdown! Who I must say was a very happy customer! Then I started opening up classes on zoom to just close friends and family (who knew I wasn’t qualified yet!). Sometimes a high intense session like a HIIT class for example can be quite daunting if your new to exercise! Which is why I love that Pilates is so inclusive and there’s always different variations of each exercise so you can take it at your own pace," she explains.

"I’d love to start regular zoom classes each week once I’m qualified (hopefully end of this month) and because I’m in London there are lots of friends and family in Bournemouth that would still love to be involved and unfortunately (and fortunately) zoom is the solution to that! I’ve also just started studying at LSMT (London School of Musical Theatre) which is pretty full on, but I would love to try and pick up a class to teach somewhere in London along side studying," she states.

"As Joseph Pilates once said - ‘change happens through movement, and movement heals’ 
I think any form of movement and activity is so good for not just your body but your mind too, even just a walk a day can help clear your head. So I think staying active is so important to help us get through this time (even though we’re hopefully near the end now!) 
And STAY KIND! That’s all from me kids x"

Lauren's Socials to join/ enquire about her Pilates Zoom classes:
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/laurenrutherford17/



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