Welcome to my Blog!


 'A Wonderful World'. Living happily in a world of chaos.


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Hello! My name is Danielle Saunders. I'm twenty two years old and currently living in Kent. I've started this blog to help others like me.

With my fair share of mental battles and mountains to climb, I hope to help remove the unnecessary stigma that still seems to surround mental health. As human beings, just as our bodies are constantly tested, so are our minds. Particularly during the current pandemic, nothing is for certain. We can only focus on what's now and here in the present, moving forwards through recognising what we can do to prioritise our own and others safety and well-being. It's reassuring to remember we all facing this together. I will be sharing advice on living freely in a world of chaos. We cannot control everything, in this crazy world we live in we're often faced with change and unknown. 

I hope to use this blog to provide reassurance and guidance, although we cannot control everything, we can control how we respond and acknowledge what's within our own hands. How we feel, think, and behave determines the life we choose to lead, through both what we can and cannot determine, through what's in our control and what's in the hands of the universe. 

Despite what the world throws at us, what’s out of our control and unexpectedly enters our paths, we can continue to live and breathe.

It’s completely understandable and acceptable to struggle when the universe tests us or surprises us. Or when own minds do the same. To experience difficulty in times of uncertainty. But difficulty does not mean defeat. We’re not stuck forever. As the world constantly moves forward and shifts, we change with it.

Although life can be scary and unknown, it's rather beautiful and worth living. It comes with its peaks and troughs, all individual in our own lives, and it's the bad days that help you appreciate the good when it comes along. It's the emotions that we experience in between that allow us to truly recognise and find happiness. We cannot always be one hundred percent happy, but we can be aware of the choices we have to optimise our happiness and take care of ourselves both physically and mentally. It’s difficult when encapsulated by darkness. The tunnel vision and the inner critic inform you that there is no exit door, that this is the only way. But it's not. Things can always change, and with seven billion people in the world, you are never alone.

The brain can talk loud and it can also lie. Although it’s frustrating, it’s okay. It’s about management, acknowledgement and acceptance. Learning to listen and know what thoughts to act upon and what thoughts to let pass, like little clouds. Thank them for visiting but allow them to float by. Maybe you feel you are in the present, but there’s no light or end in sight, and that’s okay to. Although it may not seem like it right now, it won’t be forever.

Events come along and change our plans, surprise us and stop us in our tracks. But when they do, it doesn’t mean your tracks end. Your path is continued, it just may be redirected a little. Wherever you are, whatever you're currently feeling, know that you are worthy and all feelings are valid. Just like moments, feelings too shall pass.

I’m sharing this with you as an offering, I do not wish to instruct, demand, or tell you what’s ‘right’, because what works for us all is personal. I am simply sharing, suggesting and hoping to help.

I am not a doctor, scientist, genius, superhero or magician, but I am a human being, just like you. I wish to share my advice of both factual and personal saviours. Everyone is worthy of life on this earth and it is in your power to choose the way you wish to live it. I’m just trying to understand us, trying to figure out how to live the best lives that we can through both the euphoria and the despair. To trump those that tell us we can’t, including ourselves, and believe that we can.

Three things to remember:
1. Change is possible.
2. You don’t know until you try.
3. Perfection doesn’t exist.

Life is tough, but so are you. Just like carrots supposedly help you see in the dark, I hope this blog does to. Like the sun falls and rises, you are able to. Hold on. The unknown and life that's ahead of you is what makes living so exciting!

Keep going for you,
Danielle x



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