'Music streaming services rocket over the course of the Coronavirus Pandemic.'

Music has been a lifeline for many during the midst of lockdown, a source of continuing a sense of community, togetherness and release throughout such challenging times. Services including Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon have grown in popularity, a space used to create Playlists that are often being titled 'Quarantunes', a home for songs that have helped individuals cope during quarantine.

It's not new information that there is power in music. Scientists have found that music can directly influence the way we feel through having an impact on our brain which in turn, releases certain hormones. Listening to music has been found to increase Dopamine levels, (known as the 'happy hormone'), as well as Serotonin which influences our mood and feeling good, and Oxytocin, often referred to as the 'love hormone'. It's even used as a form of therapy as it can help kick-start the parasympathetic nervous system, the system known as 'rest and digest', calming us and our internal systems. Therefore, it's no surprise that music holds a certain significance in helping us through times of crisis or difficulty. 

It's not only upbeat or more joyful music that can have an impact on how good we feel, but the sadder, slower songs can to. Whether you're listening to music to dance around to or to have a little cry to, various genres of music can provide release, support, shift or enhance or mood. It's both universal and individual, our taste in music, the memories attached, the way a certain song makes us feel, although we may all come together through music, these things are personal to you.

As well as most of us listening to music as a lockdown coping mechanism and form of enjoyment, many have also been creating music for the same reason. Using the time to pursue their craft, reach out and come together with listeners via online platforms and continue to express themselves despite being confined to their own homes. Harry Mold, Singer Songwriter from London, has been on that road himself.


'My names Harry Mold, most people just call me H', he told me. I’m a songwriter, musician and producer living and creating in London, it's always been a passion for me, I've been singing and writing from a young age.'

'Lockdown's had its ups and downs, everyone's been affected in some way or another. A lot of creative fields have been massively hurt by the pandemic, just suddenly. For me this is mainly regarding live gigs. I can’t tell you how much I miss them', he states.

'But I've kept going, as we all have. I've continued to be creative in the ways that I can from home. In terms of writing and releasing, this time has allowed loads of productivity. I actually wrote the next single ‘Stresshead’ during Lockdown, which will be coming out soon', he shares. 'Covid has definitely had an impact on my writing, this song is about trying not to let things get on top of you or allow your mind to become overcrowded. Something I think has been very easy to do in these lockdowns.'

'As I say, I’ve always written songs and made music, so it's not like I've had to have a complete career change during this time, but there's been a fair share of challenges', he admits. 'As I'm still at the start of my career, I normally have another day job to bring in the money as well, so I’ve done a couple COVID related jobs over this period to keep me going', he discourses.

'I love it. Singing and writing', he declares. 'I love the expression it allows me, especially being from a background that’s not really emotionally open in that sense', he admits. 'It's been a release particularly during lockdown, it helps keep me going. The importance of a routine has been reiterated for me definitely, some structure makes you feel a bit more sane. Some days I haven't felt like writing, I can’t lie some days have felt heavy on the head and my motivation has wavered'. 

'My best memory on the job is my biggest gig to date, the energy in the room is incomparable honestly, when everyone is giving a really special piece of themselves to the moment', he smiles.

'I’ve been doing loads of live streams online, on Instagram and Facebook, which have been lovely for people who normally come to my gigs, keeping that connection and sharing my music', he grins. 'They've all been free apart from a professionally streamed one I did with a promotion company I normally work with', he remarked.

'I've had a single released during this time so that's exciting'. 'Vanity, Vanity', he discloses. 'It’s literally on all streaming platforms, Spotify and Apple Music etc, and also on YouTube for anyone who doesn’t have them. This tune makes a comment on the obsession we have with aesthetics and image nowadays; mainly through social media, something I think that eats us all up in some way', he tells me.

'Also just want to say, keep your chin up people. This can’t last forever and just think about the endless amounts of parties, raves, festivals, hugs that are going to be happening when it’s done.'

INSTAGRAM: '@harrymoldmusic', https://www.instagram.com/harrymold/
TRACK 'VANITY, VANITY': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ljtSYRe7AA


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